701 Atlantic Avenue - Alameda, California 94501-2161 - TEL: (510) 747-4300 - FAX: (510) 522-7848 - TDD: 711
You Must Report Within 14 Days of Change:
All changes in Household Composition:
- Someone moves out
- Someone moves in
- A Child is born, adopted or court awarded custody
- Getting married
- Getting divorced
- Someone dies
- Someone in hospital or incarcerated
- Child turns 18 years old
All changes in Household Income:
- Income increases
- Income decreases
- Get a job
- Get a 2nd job
- Start receiving benefits
- Benefits end
- Unemployment
- Child over 18 yrs old starts working
- Student status changes of persons over 18 yrs old
All family members income, including children, must be reported.
All un-reimbursed medical expenses (for Disabled Households only)
- Prescribed medical expenses that are not covered by insurance
All child care expenses for children 12 yrs. old and younger